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Everything is a Remix!

Wednesday, July 3, 2019 17:20
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Monio g. 49a, Daugirdiškės 21343, Lithuania
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Everything is a Remix!

Wednesday, July 3, 2019 17:20
Monio g. 49a, Daugirdiškės 21343, Lithuania
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Watch the 'Everything is a Remix' short movie series (45 min. length).
“There is no such thing as original in the world" - is a message sent by Kirby Ferguson who created a short films series about sources of creativity in music and film industries, critical perspective on how we become creative and how we can approach copyrights in the ara of new digital technologies
Learn more about the sources of inspiration that lead to creating 'Everything is a Remix': https://www.everythingisaremix.info/references
Cover image: Kirby Ferguson

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Everything is a Remix! Preuzmi ovu značku znanja

Watch the 'Everything is a Remix' short movie series (45 min. length).
“There is no such thing as original in the world" - is a message sent by Kirby Ferguson who created a short films series about sources of creativity in music and film industries, critical perspective on how we become creative and how we can approach copyrights in the ara of new digital technologies
Learn more about the sources of inspiration that lead to creating 'Everything is a Remix': https://www.everythingisaremix.info/references
Cover image: Kirby Ferguson
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Monio g. 49a, Daugirdiškės 21343, Lithuania


#think creatively
#think critically
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Creative Remixing
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