Visit ABVV Oost-Vlaanderen

Thursday, January 12, 2023 13:30 - 15:30
Vrijdagmarkt 9, 9000 Gent, Belgium

Visit ABVV Oost-Vlaanderen

Thursday, January 12, 2023 13:30 - 15:30
Vrijdagmarkt 9, 9000 Gent, Belgium
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During this visit you will be part of an introduction & presentation on career guidance for adults by ABVV, labour union, and the international project “21+21, learning inclusive”.
ABVV career services

The ABVV, the General Belgian Trade Union, is the socialist trade union of Belgium. They work for more solidarity, justice, equality and democracy, and inform, advise, help and defend people.
With passion and commitment, ABVV strives for a quality living and working environment. But the ABVV is also day in, day out, also less conspicuously active in all kinds of advisory and management bodies.

The ABVV is the common thread in careers.

The ABVV representatives or delegates are a point of contact at work. If people become unemployed, They will prepare a file and people will receive benefits more quickly. ABVV provide guidance and advice, and offers free courses for job seekers and free career guidance for workers. And they are at employees side in conflicts with an employer or with government social institutions and offer expert legal assistance.

The ABVV watches over your rights, your income security, job security and job satisfaction, and offers you a wide range of services.

This visit is part of the study visit Good practices of validation and recognition of 21st century skills for adult education programmes. Participants of this visit can earn an open badge by participating in and reflecting on this visit.

Pridobite značko aktivnosti

The career supporter Pridobi to značko

This badge is a reflection tool for the visit at ABVV. This visit is part of the study visit Good practices of validation and recognition of 21st century skills for adult education programmes.

The holder of the badge will have worked either on their own or in a small group to reflect on the questions:
  • how the visit has gone;
  • what has been learned;
  • how to use this in your work;
  • how else to use it (think about e.g. benefit for society).
The questions are designed to optimise generative learning: they are not just about what the participant has learnt but also how they can use the learning in their work and personal life.
This badge has been issued by a facilitator of the study visit.
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Participate in the visit.

  • How has the visit gone for you?
  • What have you learnt?
  • How can you use this in your work?
  • How else can you use it (think e.g. benefit for society)?


Vrijdagmarkt 9, 9000 Gent, Belgium


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