
Empathy is an active attempt to understand other people's emotions, see things from their point of view, and imagine yourself in their place.
Healthy relationships often require compassion, attentiveness, and understanding of other people's thoughts and feelings. Therefore, the ability to communicate and understand each other's emotional states is the key to maintaining our relationships. By looking at things from other people's perspectives we gain an understanding of their values and beliefs and so helping you build a connection with them. Empathy is best built upon mutual understanding so it's important to open up your own feelings and life experiences. As well as helping you build a bond with other people empathizing with others, it also might aid you to regulate, and better understand your own personal emotions. Managing your own emotions is important in that it allows you to manage what you are feeling, even in times of great stress, without becoming overwhelmed.
The worksheet for this activity will provide you with the opportunity to better understand and recognize what is empathy and how it affects us.

Photo credits: canva.com

Pridobite značko aktivnosti

Empathy expert Pridobi to značko

This badge is issued for learning and thinking about empathy as one of the core parts of emotional intelligence.
Owners of this badge:
Has the ability to identify and understand emotions. Has the ability to share and understand the feelings of other people. Can differentiate between empathy and sympathy.
In order to receive the badge, please complete the worksheet and upload the evidence.
Naloga št.1
Dokaze preveril: En organizator dejavnosti
In order to receive the badge, please complete the worksheet and upload the evidence.
Follow steps to find out what is empathy and why is it important, and its effects to our lives.
Upload the filled-in worksheet. Share your thoughts on the following questions:
1. What new things did you learn in this activity that you would like to implement in your everyday life?
2. What was the surprising/challenging part of the worksheet?



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