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Advocate for Quality Employment Policies


Advocate for Quality Employment Policies



This activity empowers you to engage in policy discussions, advocate for fair working conditions, and influence decisions that impact young people in the job market.

You will learn how employment policies are created, how they affect youth, and how to communicate your ideas to policymakers effectively. By participating, you will gain skills in advocacy, public speaking, and collaboration, enabling you to contribute to shaping a job market that works for everyone.

First, get inspired!

Watch the video “Youth Voices in Policy Making” to see how young advocates successfully influenced employment policies. Learn from examples of youth councils and advocacy campaigns that led to positive workplace changes and job accessibility for young people. Explore real stories from peers who participated in policymaking processes.

Now, take action!

Participating in the following activities will help you to voice your ideas and advocate for better employment policies for young people.
  • Join a workshop to understand how employment policies are developed and their impact on the job market. Learn how to identify key issues affecting young workers and formulate actionable solutions.
  • Participate in a “Quality workplace hackathon”, where you’ll collaborate with peers to brainstorm creative solutions to real-world employment challenges. Work collaboratively to design innovative policy ideas and pitch them to a panel of experts or peers for feedback.
  • Join and create an advocacy campaign to raise awareness about job quality or workplace fairness. Design posters, social media posts, or a presentation to share your message with peers and community members.

Get your badge.

Complete some of the activities above and apply for a badge (=click the "Get this badge" button below). Share your reflections and evidence of participation, including a summary of the workshop, policy proposals from the youth council simulation, or materials created for your advocacy campaign.

Who is behind this activity?

Cities of Learning Network partners invite you to learn and take action on European Youth Goal #7: Quality Employment for All. This badge recognises your efforts and contributions.

Contact us for more details about the Erasmus+ co-funded project “European Youth Goals for Cities of Learning.”
  1. System&G, Greece – the project lead partner
  2. CODEC, Belgium
  3. Badgecraft, Lithuania
  4. System&G, Finland

Disclaimer: We are grateful for the ideas generated by youth leaders and youth workers during the international study visits. To create this activity, humans collaborated with AI using the Youth Goals Hub GPT custom-built version, informed and inspired by the best youth work practices.

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Advocate for Quality Employment Policies Получить бейдж

Информация по бейджуПодтверждения
This badge recognises your active participation in advocating for policies that improve job quality and access for young people. By completing the “Advocating for Quality Employment Policies” activity, you have demonstrated skills in public speaking, collaboration, and raising awareness about important workplace issues.

Skills and experiences gained:
  • Work policy awareness: Gained an understanding of how employment policies are developed and their impact on young workers.
  • Advocacy skills: Developed the ability to articulate ideas, propose solutions, and campaign for fair working conditions.
  • Collaboration and public speaking: Gained experience in working with peers to develop recommendations and present them effectively.

This badge demonstrates the badge earner’s ability to contribute to meaningful change by advocating for policies that improve employment conditions for young people. Your efforts contribute to achieving the European Youth Goal #7: Quality Employment for All.
Для получения бейджа необходимо завершить 2 задания
Задание номер 1
Доказательства проверены: од_на организатор_ка мероприятия
Understand employment policies:
  • Task: Attend a workshop on employment policies and summarise the key issues affecting young workers and potential solutions.
  • Evidence: Submit a short report or presentation summarising what you have learned.
Задание номер 2
Доказательства проверены: од_на организатор_ка мероприятия
Participate in a quality work policy hackathon:
  • Task: Participate in a policy hackathon with a team to brainstorm and design innovative ideas. Present your solutions to a panel of peers and receive feedback.
  • Evidence: Submit your policy ideas, pitch materials, and a reflection on the feedback you received.
Задание номер 3
Доказательства проверены: од_на организатор_ка мероприятия
Join and create an advocacy campaign:
  • Task: Design and share an advocacy campaign that raises awareness about workplace fairness or job quality. Use creative formats like posters, videos, or social media posts.
  • Evidence: Submit the materials you created for the campaign and a summary of how you shared your message.
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Network of Cities and Regions of Learning

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Skills, Rights, and Opportunities: Your Way to Quality Career
Network of Cities and Regions of Learning
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