It's time to practice building learning pathways and open badges on the 'Cities of Learning' platform!
In this session, you can learn:
- how to edit the view of the Badge Map
- how to edit the badge data
- how create/edit/ improve learning pathway
- how to create badge collection and how to share it
You can earn at least 2 open badges by reflecting on their learning achievements:
- your own personal goal badge (you need to find it!)
- one main activity badge (issued automatically by earning your own badge)
This training course is part of the KA2 Strategic Partnership project "Digital technology for pathways to entrepreneurial skills" supported by the European Union Erasmus+ programme.
Credits cover image: Jenna Hamra
Optené badge di aktividat
You have to get all badges from the list below
This badge is a proof that you took part in the session about building learning pathways and open badges.
Participants of this session can earn this badge by
To earn this badge person needs to:
- practising skills of using various functions of the "Cities of Learning' platform.
- earning at least one "Goal" badge
This badge was earned during the international training course "Digital technology for pathways to entrepreneurial skills" which took place in Lithuania on 1-5 March 2023.
Publiká dor di e organisadó òf skèn e kódigo QR
This badge is a proof that you took part in the session about building learning pathways and open badges, which is part of the training 'Digital technology for pathways to entrepreneurial skills'.
To earn this badge person needs to:
- practise skills of using various functions of the "Cities of Learning' platform.
- earning at least one "Goal" badge
T. Ševčenkos g. 16, 03111 Vilnius, Lithuania
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