This activity will get you connected to digital platforms and peer networks to actively engage in European affairs and make sure your voice is amplified in shaping Europe’s future.
With digital dialogue platforms and youth peer networks, you can connect with other young people and EU decision-makers from anywhere. By using these tools, you can influence policies that affect you and ensure that young people’s ideas are at the heart of European discussions.
First, get inspired!
Take a look at how young people from across Europe came together for a two-day event filled with activities and workshops, during which participants successfully turned their ideas into action, creating an impact on their communities and Europe by expressing their rights and demands.
Inspired for more? Delve into how young people participated in COP26 in Glasgow to discuss the dangers and urgency of climate change. The younger generation is deeply concerned about the environmental impact on society, so they are raising their voices and demanding their rights.
Now, take action!
You’ll be more heard through connecting to both digital platforms and peer networks where you can engage in real-time discussions, contribute to EU consultations, and collaborate with peer young people across Europe to influence EU policies.
- Follow European youth peer networks and dialogue activities: Choose a peer network and a digital platform, for example the European Youth Forum, Young European Ambassadors, EuroPeers and similar. Follow their activities on Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin or Instagram, and participate in at least one online discussion or event.
- Join online consultations hosted by EU institutions where your input can help shape EU policies. Whether it’s about youth employment, sustainability, or digital rights, your voice can influence real decisions.
- Lead a digital discussion with your peers: Take what you’ve learned and lead an online discussion with your friends or youth group about a key issue affecting young people in Europe. Use social media, messaging apps, or peer network platforms to get your friends involved. Organise and moderate an online discussion with your peers on a specific EU topic, and reflect on how youth voices can shape policies.
Who is behind this activity?
Cities of Learning Network partners invite you to learn and do something about the European Youth Goal #1 Connect EU with Youth. We value your efforts and contributions and therefore want to reward you with badge recognition.
Contact us for more details about the Erasmus+ co-funded project "European Youth Goals for Cities of Learning"
- System&G, Greece - the project lead partner
- CODEC, Belgium
- Badgecraft, Lithuania
- System&G, Finland
Disclaimer: We are grateful for the ideas generated by youth leaders and youth workers during the international study visits. To create this activity, humans collaborated with AI using the Youth Goals Hub GPT custom-built version, informed and inspired by the best youth work practices. 
Ontvang een activiteitenbadge
This badge is awarded for completing the “Engage in European Youth Networks through Digital Platforms” activity. You’ve actively participated in European youth networks and contributed to discussions on key European youth issues through digital platforms. You’ve developed key competences that help you engage in meaningful digital dialogue.
Skills and experiences gained (aligned with the Council of Europe’s Reference Framework of Competences for Democratic Culture - RFCDC):
- Communication Skills (Competence 20): You’ve effectively communicated and contributed to meaningful discussions on digital platforms, ensuring your voice is heard.
- Civic-mindedness (Competence 6): You’ve shown responsibility by participating in democratic dialogue online and helping to shape the future of young people in Europe.
- Co-operation Skills (Competence 16): You’ve worked collaboratively with peers through online platforms, engaging in teamwork on key youth issues.
This badge demonstrates the earner’s skills and actions in engaging in digital youth networks and contributing to meaningful discussions, aligning with the European Youth Goal #1: Connecting EU with Youth. Cities of Learning Network partners value the badge earner’s efforts and contributions and issue this badge after reviewing the provided evidence.
Om deze badge te behalen dien je alle taken te voltooien
Bewijs bevestigd door: één activiteitenorganisator
Follow European youth peer networks and dialogue activities:
- Task: Choose a youth network and digital dialogue platform and follow its activities on social networks. Additionally, explore digital dialogue platforms like the European Youth Portal or EU Youth Dialogue Platform. Participate in at least one online discussion or event hosted by the network or platform.
- Evidence: Share screen shots indicating that you follow the European networks on social media. Join online dialogue activities and explain how you engaged with the topics discussed.
Bewijs bevestigd door: één activiteitenorganisator
Participate in an online consultation or survey:
- Task: Join an ongoing consultation or survey on an EU digital platform and share your thoughts on a specific issue, such as youth employment or digital rights.
- Evidence: Write key points which you submitted for the consultation or survey.
Bewijs bevestigd door: één activiteitenorganisator
Lead a digital discussion with peers:
- Task: Organise and moderate an online discussion with your peers on a key EU issue. Share what you’ve learned about digital dialogue and how young people can engage with European affairs.
- Evidence: Submit evidence (screen shot, notes, event promotion or similar) of the online discussion you moderated, including the main points discussed and feedback from participants.