
Support a Campaign You Care About


Support a Campaign You Care About



This activity will call you to join and contribute to a campaign on a European issue that matters to you.

Whether it’s about climate action, mental health, youth rights, or digital privacy, there are campaigns out there making a difference—and you can be part of that change. By sharing their message, participating in their activities, and encouraging others to get involved, you’ll play a key role in shaping the future of Europe.

First, get inspired!

Listen to a podcast where young activists share how they’ve contributed to campaigns and created change by mobilising their peers and communities, both online and offline. The EU4YOUTH2ACT project is an initiative designed to resonate with young people across Europe, raising important issues and topics that are often neglected by older generations:

Moreover, listen to two podcasts about the efforts and journeys of young individuals and associations working to ban unpaid internships. These podcasts explore the perspectives of young people from the 'European Youth Forum' and 'Eurodesk' associations, explaining their efforts to create equal working opportunities for all Europeans and provide a more stable environment for young professionals:

Now, take action!

You’ll be able to contribute to a cause that aligns with your values by raising awareness, spreading its message, and encouraging others to join in by taking part in the following activities.

  • Choose a campaign that matters to you: Think about an issue that you care deeply about. Is it climate change? Youth rights? Discover active campaigns at the European level, led by organisations or youth networks, and find one that aligns with your passion. Explore the campaign’s goals, the organisation behind it, and how you can contribute.
  • Engage with the campaign: Once you’ve chosen your campaign, it’s time to take action! Share their message on social media, join their events, sign a petition, or find other ways to actively contribute to their efforts. Get involved in a way that resonates with you.
  • Encourage others to get involved: Share the campaign with friends, family, or peers. Use your voice to amplify their message, whether it’s through a social media post, a small online chat, or even a group discussion. Amplify the campaign’s message by organising a small action—like a social media post or casual conversation—to get others interested in joining the campaign.

Get your badge!

Complete some activities from the list above and apply for a badge (=click the "Get this badge" button below) by submitting your campaign plan, content, or reflections on how you contributed to raising mental health awareness and reducing stigma.

Who is behind this activity?

Cities of Learning Network partners invite you to learn and do something about the European Youth Goal #1 Connect EU with Youth. We value your efforts and contributions and want to reward you with badge recognition.

Contact us for more details about the Erasmus+ co-funded project "European Youth Goals for Cities of Learning."
  • System&G, Greece - the project lead partner
  • CODEC, Belgium
  • Badgecraft, Lithuania
  • System&G Finland

Disclaimer: We are grateful for the ideas generated by youth leaders and youth workers during the international study visits. To create this activity, humans collaborated with AI using the Youth Goals Hub GPT custom-built version, informed and inspired by the best youth work practices.

Get activity badge

European Campaign Supporter Get this badge

Nozīmītes informācijaEndorsements
This badge is awarded for completing the “Support a Campaign You Care About” activity. You’ve shown your commitment to making a difference on a European issue by supporting an existing campaign. Whether through promoting the campaign, participating in its activities, or raising awareness among your peers, you’ve contributed to making a positive impact on a cause that matters to young people across Europe. You’ve developed key competences that enable you to engage with causes that align with your values.

Skills and experiences gained (aligned with the Council of Europe’s Reference Framework of Competences for Democratic Culture - RFCDC):
  • Civic-mindedness (Competence 6): You’ve actively supported a campaign that seeks to create positive social change and shown your sense of civic responsibility.
  • Co-operation Skills (Competence 16): You’ve worked effectively with others, contributing your energy and ideas to make the campaign stronger and more impactful.
  • Communication Skills (Competence 20): You’ve used your communication skills to spread the message through social media, offline discussions, or events.
  • Responsibility (Competence 7): You’ve taken responsibility for contributing to causes that matter to you and your community.

This badge demonstrates the earner’s skills and actions in supporting a campaign that creates social change, contributing to the European Youth Goal #1: Connecting EU with Youth. Cities of Learning Network partners value the badge earner’s efforts and contributions and issue this badge after reviewing the provided evidence.
Jums jāpabeidz visi uzdevumi, lai iegūtu nozīmīti
Task no.1
Evidence verified by: one activity organiser
Conflict resolution role-play:
  • Task: Engage in a conflict resolution role-playing scenario. Demonstrate how you would handle a disagreement using peaceful solutions.
  • Evidence: Provide a video recording or written description of your role-play, highlighting the conflict resolution techniques you used.
Task no.2
Evidence verified by: one activity organiser
Constructive dialogue participation:
  • Task: Participate in a debate or dialogue session on a topic of your choice, applying the principles of respectful communication and active listening learned during the "Dialogue Champs: Engaging in Constructive Conversations" activity.
  • Evidence: Submit a summary of the debate or dialogue, including your role, the arguments presented, and the outcome of the discussion.

Task no.3
Evidence verified by: one activity organiser
Community dialogue event:
  • Task: Organise or contribute to a community dialogue event that encourages diverse voices to be heard.
  • Evidence: Submit a report or photos from the event, detailing your contributions and the impact of the dialogue on the community.
Pilsoniskā līdzdalība
Pievienots atskaņošanas sarakstam (1)


Network of Cities and Regions of Learning

Used in playlists

Your Europe, Your Choice: Engage and Influence
Network of Cities and Regions of Learning
Badgecraft vada tīmekļa infrastruktūru mācību pilsētām un reģioniem. Eiropas konsorcijs palīdz attīstīties platformai ar līdzfinansējumu ES programmā Erasmus+
Mainīt valodu:
Co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union