This learning playlist will guide through every step in building your shiny CV! You will find out many tips, examples and videos on each chapter of a CV. Learn what professionals recommend you and succeed in your future career!
This learning playlist was created during the strategic partnership project "New Dimension in Career Guidance", supported by the Erasmus+ programme and organised by partners from Lithuania, Latvia, Belarus and Ireland. #CareerForYouth
Attività da completare
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When writing your CV you need to cover your basic responsibilities. Keep your duty summaries concise and try to concentrate on the results that came out of your everyday work. So, highlight your achievements, not your duties!
Achievements are things you did that had a lasting impact for your organisation or a project. It is a result that you personally bring about while fulfilling a particular role. Typically they are things that you created, built, designed, sold or initiated.An achievement is unique to your experience and tells the employer that you can deliver. So, keep your duty summaries concise, and focus instead on unique accomplishments.
Watch a couple of videos and read more in the article added below. You will find out the reasons why achievements oriented CV has more chances to be noticed.
Now think and write down what are your major professional and personal achievements, which you would add to your CV? Write it down here to earn your open badge!
This badge shows an experience in learning about ways to build your CV. This badge was issued for describing personal achievements in a CV. The badge was issued automatically upon uploading required evidence.
Task n.1
Prova verificata da: approvato dall'utente
Now think and write down what are your major professional and personal achievements, which you would add to your CV?
#analytical thinking
#describe your expertise
#preparare le persone a sostenere un colloquio di lavoro
#education norms
#show self-knowledge
Attività: 6
Iniziato: 19
Playlist completata: 0
Tempo di completamento: 3 ore 5 minuti
Quality label box title
Badgecraft gestisce questa piattaforma web e continua a svilupparla in partnership con organizzazioni leader nel settore dell'educazione. La prima versione di questa piattaforma è stata realizzata grazie ai cofinanziamenti del programma Erasmus+ dell'Unione Europea. Contattaci all'email