Find your Playlists

A Playlist is an organised learning pathway with selected Activities.
Organisers can choose which Activities they want to include in a Playlist, set their order of appearance and decide on mandatory and optional Activities for completion. Playlists enable learners to track their progress.

To find your playlist:

  1. Click on your profile picture in the top right.
  2. Select your Personal account (Click on Account profile -> Select personal account). Note. you can find how to select your Personal account here.
  3. Click on the Playlists tab (Click on Account profile -> Select personal account -> Playlists) to view Playlists that you joined as a learner. Tip: on this list, you may also see Playlists that you offer with any of the Organiser’s Accounts.

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Co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union
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