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Build your CV: Personal profile

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Build your CV: Personal profile



In order to work in different positions, it is important to clearly indicate in the CV where you are applying and what your career experience are. Personal profile – the goal of the CV: here the youngster has to specify the goal of this CV, which usually includes the position for which he/she applies. It should be written so that HR specialist would immediately see for which position the candidate is applying and is also seeing that the candidate has prepared the CV specifically for this position.
This section can also include a short summary about the candidate, in a maximum of few sentences, which may include:
  • characteristics;
  • career goals.Using the sources, we invite you to include in your CV the position you are applying for and a brief description of yourself and your career goals.Upload a screenshot of the task described and get a badge.

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Personal profile Get this badge

This badge shows that you are able to reflect on yourself and identify the job position you are seeking. Also, to name your characteristics and career goals.
Tâche n°1
Preuve vérifiée par : un organisateur de l'activité
Upload a screenshot of the position you are applying for and a brief description of yourself and your career goals.


#prepare for job interview
Carrière et accompagnement vers l'emploi
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Build Your CV
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Cofinancé par Erasmus+, programme de l'Union Européenne