CLYouth Virtual Exchanges: Speak up, we are the future!

Friday, February 26, 2021 18:00 - 20:00

CLYouth Virtual Exchanges: Speak up, we are the future!

Friday, February 26, 2021 18:00 - 20:00


This is the 2nd of 9 Virtual Exchanges that we are implementing in the framework of the project Cities of Learning: Youth Co-design learning, civic and career pathways.

This time, we hand the mic to the young people and ask a simple but multi-faceted question: what's the future of non-formal learning?
Together, we will:
  • think about how our way of learning, and non-formal learning, will change in the future
  • exchange opinions, ideas and suggestions about the values and impact of non-formal learning on our community
  • find out what Cities and Regions of Learning and our project CLYouth are
  • explore digital Open Badges for learning recognition
  • have fun and meet people coming from different European countries

The Virtual Exchange will start at 18:00 CET on Zoom and it will last 2 hours. After the activities, participants will have the chance to stay on a little longer to chat freely in our Zoom Cafè.
It is aimed at participants aged 16-30 coming from the Cities and Regions of Learning of Sachsen-Anhalt (Germany), Cagliari (Italy), Vilnius (Lithuania), Tilburg (Netherlands), Tønsberg and Vestfold-og-Telemark (Norway), Novi Sad (Serbia), Ljubljana (Slovenia), Lorca (Spain).

Register HERE until Thursday 25th of February.

Find out more about Erasmus+ Virtual Exchanges:

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Virtual Exchange Futurist Get this badge

I have participated in the the 2nd of 9 Virtual Exchanges that we are implementing in the framework of the project Cities of Learning: Youth Co-design learning, civic and career pathways (CLYouth) and organised by the Cities and Regions of Learning Network and Associazione Interculturale Nur.

In this journey to discover what future holds for non-formal learning, participants have learned about:
  • how non-formal learning is changing and what it could look like in the near future
  • the value of non-formal education and its potential role models and initiators
  • what impact non-formal learning can have on our local community
  • Cities and Regions of Learning and CLYouth
  • digital Open Badges for learning recognition
  • 21st century skills and how to get ready for the future of learning

The Virtual Exchange has taken place online on February 26th 2021.
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Participate in the Virtual Exchange!


#work in teams
#interact through digital technologies
#interact verbally in English
#promote youth work in the local community
#Transversal skills/competences
International et Interculturel
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Temps à compléter : 2 heures
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Network of Cities and Regions of Learning
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Cofinancé par Erasmus+, programme de l'Union Européenne
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