21st-century skills strategies for Cities of Learning

Tuesday, May 17, 2022 13:00 - 14:30
Rinktinės g. 18, Vilnius 09322, Lithuania

21st-century skills strategies for Cities of Learning

Tuesday, May 17, 2022 13:00 - 14:30
Rinktinės g. 18, Vilnius 09322, Lithuania


In Cities of Learning, we believe that everyone deserves a good quality learning, education and training focused on 21st-century skills. Yet, most cities lack a strategic oversight on which skills are needed and where and how young people can develop them in our cities.
During this activity, you will be able to exchange city strategies to develop 21st-century skills. Specifically, you will have opportunities:
  • to present their City of Learning strategies;
  • to analyse and give feedback on strategies presented by others;
  • to get inspired and motivated to realise our 21st-century skills strategies.

This activity is a part of a Cities of Learning study visit organised from 16 to 21 May 2022 in Vilnius, Lithuania. The study visit is realised within the Erasmus+ co-funded strategic partnership "Online 21st century skills education".

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21st-century skills strategist Get this badge

Badge earners exchanged strategies to develop 21st-century skills in participating cities: Turin Metropolitan City (Italy), Cities of Learning in the Netherlands, Vilnius (Lithuania), Cluj-Napoca (Romania) and Blackpool City (United Kingdom).

This activity created opportunities for partners and participants:
  • to present their City of Learning strategies;
  • to analyse and give feedback on strategies presented by others;
  • to get inspired and motivated to realise our 21st-century skills strategies.

This activity is a part of a Cities of Learning study visit organised from 16 to 21 May 2022 in Vilnius, Lithuania. The study visit is realised within the Erasmus+ co-funded strategic partnership "Online 21st century skills education".
Task no.1
Issued by organiser or scanning QR code
Participate in an activity. You can upload your city's strategy for 21st-century skills and share your reflections on the following questions:
  1. What did you learn from exchanging Cities of Learning strategies?
  2. What next steps do you want to take to realise your strategy?


Rinktinės g. 18, Vilnius 09322, Lithuania


#Think strategically
#strategic plan
#apply strategic thinking
#implement strategic planning
#carry out strategic research
#Critical thinking
#think analytically
Karjäär ja valmidus tööks
Lisatud esitusloendisse (1)
Time to complete: 1 tund 30 minutit


Vilnius City of Learning
Badgecraft käitab veebi taristut Õppimise linnade ja regioonide jaoks. Euroopa konsortsium arendab seda platvormi kaasrahastusega Euroopa Liidu programmist Erasmus+.
Co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union
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