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Better Now than Never

🔍 Next Clue: Where Ideas Are Born! 🚽💡
You're on fire! 🔥 To find the tasks for your next step, you must head to a place where:

📱 People sit for hours, scrolling through TikTok, swiping right or left on Tinder, and thinking of brilliant ideas about their future.
💡 Some of the most amazing ideas have been developed in this very place.
🚽 Do not forget to press the flusher for the next person coming!

📝 Your Next Task:
Once you find this place, take 10 minutes to answer the following:
📌 What do I want to share?
📌 How do I want to share it?

Write your thoughts individually, thinking about how you can spread the European Youth Goals in an impactful way.

🎥 The Final Challenge: A Future-Shaping Video
After everyone has finished writing, return to the main place where this activity started. But before you go…

🎬 Create a common video where each of you visualizes and answers these questions:
📢 How did the Youth Goals changed the society?
📊 What was the most successful way they were spread?
🌍 Who played a key role in making it happen?

Once the video is complete, send it to the common WhatsApp group.

🎉 Congratulations! You Have Created a Future-Changing Idea!
By completing this journey, you have not only participated in an epic treasure hunt but also developed a vision that can shape the future of youth in Europe. 🌍✨

Now… are you ready to take the next step and turn these ideas into reality? 🚀🔥
Task no.1
Evidence verified by: un organizator al activității
In order for you to be able to receive this badge you have to:

  • Write within 10 minutes answering the following questions:
  • Create a common video all together and share it on our WhatsApp group that you are visualizing that your project has already been done and answer on the video the following questions:

📢 How did the Youth Goals changed the society?
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