Get on board and Start

🚀 Step 1: Get on Board & Start Your Treasure Hunt! 🏆
Welcome to the European Youth Goals Treasure Hunt! Before you officially begin, take a moment to think about the European Youth Goals and their significance for young people across Europe.

🔹 Your First Personal Challenge:

Choose one European Youth Goal that inspires you the most—the one you feel passionate about and could see yourself raising awareness for in the future.
Think about how you could implement activities in your city, community, organization, or institution to support this goal.
💡 Keep your choice a secret!
This Youth Goal will be your guiding mission throughout the treasure hunt, so hold onto it until the right moment arrives.

Now that you are ready, it's time to move to the ground floor where your next challenge awaits! If you want to move to the next step, you must find the second QR code, which will reveal the details of your next activity.

🔎 Clue for the QR Code Location:
"You will be able to find your next QR code in an item that makes some of our inventions come true. It might take a while based on the size for our initiatives to be made but at least it's worth it. But as we say a lot of times—does size really matter, or not?"

🤔 Think carefully and search wisely! Once you scan the QR code, your next mission will be revealed!

🏁 Let the adventure continue! 🔥
Task no.1
Evidence verified by: un organizator al activității
1. Scan the Code of the Get on Board badge.

2. Write which of the European Youth Goals you chose.

  • !Only one small sentence is needed!
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Cofinanțat de programul Erasmus+ al Uniunii Europene
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