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Take Part In: Make Your Voice Count!

Participation Space Creator

Badge informationEndorsements
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This badge is awarded for completing all Spaces for Participation: Shaping Inclusive Communities playlist activities. By engaging in all five activities, you have explored and assessed participation spaces, designed inclusive solutions, developed advocacy skills, created digital participation spaces, and led community-driven initiatives. This badge recognises your commitment to making spaces more accessible and participatory while building key civic engagement, problem-solving, and leadership skills.

Skills and experiences gained (aligned with the Reference Framework of Competences for Democratic Culture and LifeComp frameworks):
  • Civic engagement (connected to RFCDC Competence 6): You’ve actively contributed to improving public and digital participation spaces, promoting inclusive and democratic participation.
  • Collaboration and teamwork (connected to RFCDC Competence 15 and LifeComp Dimension 8 - Collaboration): You’ve worked effectively with peers, stakeholders, and community members to co-create meaningful solutions.
  • Advocacy and communication (connected to RFCDC Competence 11): You’ve developed the ability to express your ideas persuasively and engage decision-makers in discussions about improving participation spaces.
  • Digital literacy (connected to RFCDC Competence 8 and LifeComp Dimension 5 - Digital Skills): You’ve explored ways to create and manage virtual participation spaces that are inclusive and accessible to diverse youth communities.
  • Leadership and initiative (connected to RFCDC Competence 20 and LifeComp Dimension 7—Agency and Responsibility): You’ve taken the lead in shaping community projects and ensuring that participation spaces reflect young people's needs and interests.

Earning this badge demonstrates your ability to critically assess, improve, and advocate for participation spaces that empower young people. You have developed essential skills in civic engagement, problem-solving, and leadership, contributing to European Youth Goal #9: Space and Participation for All.

Task no.1
Issued by organiser or scanning QR code
Complete all playlist activities: Earn the Inclusive Participation Space Navigator, Participation Reimagined, Participation Advocacy Builder, Digital Access Facilitator, and Inclusive Leader badges by completing each activity.
Provide evidence of active participation: Submit reflections, design proposals, advocacy plans, event reports, or other materials created during the activities to showcase your engagement and contributions.
Demonstrate real-world application: Apply the skills and knowledge gained in this playlist to your community by implementing an inclusive initiative, launching an advocacy campaign, or creating a space that enhances youth participation.


Take Part In: Make Your Voice Count!
Badgecraft hosts this platform and develops it together with leading educational organisations. The European Union's programme Erasmus+ granted co-funding for building the first version of this platform. Contact support@badgecraft.eu.
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Co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union