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✏️ Activity 4: Shaping Education – Your Voice Matters

Shaping Education – Your Voice Matters

Badge informatieAanbevelingen
🏅 Badge Description for Activity 4: Shaping Education – Your Voice Matters
This badge is awarded to individuals who have actively engaged in education advocacy by identifying key challenges in the education system and taking steps to raise awareness or influence decision-makers. Badge earners have demonstrated their ability to research educational issues, express their viewpoints, and contribute to discussions on education reform.

This badge recognizes the earner’s commitment to making education more inclusive and effective, their ability to articulate concerns and solutions, and their active participation in driving change within the education system.
Taak nr.1
Bewijs bevestigd door: één activiteitslid
To earn this badge, recipients have:
✔ Researched a critical issue in education (e.g., accessibility, outdated curricula, lack of innovation) and analyzed its impact.
✔ Written an open letter or a social media post addressing decision-makers or the public, advocating for improvements in education.
✔ Organized or participated in a local discussion/workshop focused on education reform and youth involvement in shaping learning policies.

Provide your evidence with a photo, a text or even a link.
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✏️ Activity 4: Shaping Education – Your Voice Matters
Quality Learning: Unlock Your Potential
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