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📖 Activity 1: Understanding Inclusion – What Does It Mean? Test

Understanding Inclusion – What Does It Mean?

🏅 Badge Description for Activity 1: Understanding Inclusion – What Does It Mean?
This badge is awarded to individuals who have explored the meaning and impact of inclusion in society. Badge earners have reflected on their own experiences, engaged in conversations with individuals from marginalized groups, and expressed their understanding of why inclusivity is essential.

This badge recognizes the earner’s ability to critically analyze inclusion, engage in respectful discussions about diversity, and effectively communicate the importance of fostering inclusive societies.
Bevis bekreftet av: ett aktivitetsmedlem
To earn this badge, recipients have:
✔ Reflected on what inclusion means to them and how it shapes their daily lives.
✔ Engaged in meaningful dialogue by interviewing a person from a marginalized community about their experiences with inclusivity and exclusion.
✔ Demonstrated their understanding by creating a written reflection or a 1-minute video explaining why inclusion matters.

Provide your evidence with a photo, a text or even a link.
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📖 Activity 1: Understanding Inclusion – What Does It Mean? Test
Inclusive Societies – Building a World for Everyone
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