Gender Stereotypes Media Challenge

Gender Stereotypes Media Challenge

Badge InformationenBefürwortungen
This badge is awarded for completing the “Gender Stereotypes Media Challenge” activity. You’ve critically analysed how gender stereotypes are portrayed in traditional and social media, created content to challenge these stereotypes, and promoted positive gender representation. You’ve developed key competences in understanding media’s influence on gender roles and advocating for more inclusive portrayals.
Skills and experiences gained (aligned with the Gender Analysis Competency Framework by Institute for Gender and the Economy):
Media literacy: You’ve critically analyzed gender representation in media, identifying harmful stereotypes and their societal impact (5 W’s: What and Who).
Content creation: You’ve created content that challenges these stereotypes, applying gender-sensitive principles to promote inclusivity (How: Gender-sensitive Design).
Digital engagement: You’ve shared your content on social media, fostering engagement and encouraging others to reflect on gender equality (How: Digital Advocacy).
This badge demonstrates the earner’s ability to challenge gender stereotypes in media, raise awareness about gender biases, and contribute to positive gender representation, contributing to the European Youth Goal #2: Equality of All Genders. Cities of Learning Network partners value the badge earner’s efforts and contributions and issue this badge after reviewing the provided evidence.
Aufgabe Nr. 1
Nachweis verifiziert von: Einem Teilnehmer der Aktivität
Badge-Earning Criteria:

Analyse Media Content:
Task: Choose traditional media piece or social media post and analyse how it portrays gender stereotypes or challenges them.
Evidence: Submit the media piece and your explanation of how gender roles are portrayed and their impact.

Create Content:
Task: Create and share content (a meme, post, or video) that challenges gender stereotypes or promotes positive representation.
Evidence: Submit the content you created and share how people reacted or engaged with your post.

Organise a Media Challenge:
Task: Start a media awareness challenge in your youth group or community. Encourage others to find and share examples of media that challenge stereotypes.
Evidence: Provide a summary of the challenge, including media examples and feedback from participants.

Provide your evidence with a photo, a text or even a link.
Einloggen und Mission starten


Gender Stereotypes Media Challenge
Equality for All: Gender Equality in Action
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