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This badge is awarded for completing the Roots & Routes – Connecting Rural and Urban Youth playlist. By engaging in all five activities, you have explored new ways to navigate urban life, build supportive networks, broaden your career and learning horizons, celebrate cultural heritage, and promote sustainable practices that link rural and urban communities. Your commitment to collaboration and mutual learning has fostered connections that empower both rural and urban youth to thrive and support each other.
Skills and competencies gained (aligned with the EntreComp framework):
- Spotting opportunities (connected to EntreComp 1.1 competence): You’ve identified and leveraged resources and networks in rural and urban settings, creating new paths for growth and shared experiences.
- Working with others (connected to EntreComp 3.4 competence): Through collaboration with urban peers, you built a supportive community, enabling rural and urban youth to learn from and empower one another.
- Sustainable thinking (related to EntreComp 2.3 Mobilising resources competence): You’ve promoted eco-friendly practices and created sustainability initiatives that benefit rural and urban communities.
By earning this badge, you demonstrate your role as a Roots & Routes Connector, committed to bridging rural and urban youth experiences through cultural exchange, shared learning, and sustainable practices. You have shown adaptability, creativity, and leadership, contributing to the European Youth Goal #6: Moving Rural Youth Forward.
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Complete all five playlist activities: Earn badges Rural Roots, Urban Routes, Rural-Urban Connections, Rural and Urban Careers Exchange, Rural-Urban Cultural Bridges, and Rural-Urban Green Connections.
Document and reflect on your experiences: For each activity, submit evidence of participation, such as event summaries, project photos, reflections, or collaborative projects with urban peers.
Demonstrate real-world application: Apply what you’ve learned by sharing ideas, practices, or resources that foster positive change in rural and urban settings, helping bridge understanding and support between the two communities.