This badge is awarded for completing the “Explore Your Rights as a Young EU Citizen” activity. You’ve explored the rights you hold as a young EU citizen, deepened your understanding of how these rights empower you, and learned how to exercise them in everyday life. You’ve developed key competences that allow you to understand and apply your EU rights.
Skills and experiences gained (aligned with the Council of Europe’s Reference Framework of Competences for Democratic Culture - RFCDC):
- Civic-mindedness (Competence 6): You’ve shown that you care about your role as a responsible citizen in your community and the EU.
- Knowledge and Critical Understanding of Politics, Law, and Human Rights (Competence 20): You’ve learned more about the laws and policies that shape the EU and the rights you can exercise as a young citizen.
- Responsibility (Competence 7): You’ve taken ownership of understanding your rights and responsibilities, and you know how to act on them when needed.
This badge demonstrates the earner’s skills and actions in understanding and exercising their EU citizenship rights, contributing to a more empowered and informed community in line with the European Youth Goal #1: Connecting EU with Youth. Cities of Learning Network partners value the badge earner’s efforts and contributions and issue this badge after reviewing the provided evidence.
Jums jāpabeidz 1 uzdevums, lai iegūtu nozīmīti
Evidence verified by: one activity organiser
Understand Your Rights:
- Task: Complete the interactive quiz about your rights in Europe and share what these rights mean to you and how knowing them may help you in addressing challenges you might face.
- Evidence: Submit your quiz results and a short post on what you learned and how these rights can support you and other young people in your community.
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Discover European Opportunities:
- Task: Get to know at least one EU programme, such as Erasmus+ or the European Solidarity Corps, and think on how you and other young people, especially from less privileged backgrounds can access new opportunities.
- Evidence: Write a short post on how you can use this programme or how it can benefit other young people with fewer opportunities.
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Take Action Locally:
- Task: Organise a small event or project to raise awareness of youth rights in Europe and opportunities for young people, particularly those facing social or economic barriers. You can hold a workshop, lead a social media campaign, or organise a local event.
- Evidence: Submit photos or a short report about your event, including feedback from participants and the outcomes of your project.
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