Athens City of Learning Actionbound

Athens City of Learning Actionbound

Badge earners participated a team building activity to get to know each other, explore training topics and navigate through the city of Athens.

The Actionbound activities included such quests to accomplish:
  • get to know team members and create a team symbol;
  • navigate to specific destinations in the city by public transport and walking;
  • observe the city life and share observations;
  • complete creative tasks, such as making a group photo with an idea of Europe
  • interact with people in the streets
  • respond with interest in European Youth Goals and expectations for the training programme
Task no.1
Issued by organiser or scanning QR code
Participate in activity. Optional: enrich your badge by uploading some results and reflections from the activity, for example images, videos, ideas, thoughts.


#work in cooperation with colleagues
Badgecraft vada tīmekļa infrastruktūru mācību pilsētām un reģioniem. Eiropas konsorcijs palīdz attīstīties platformai ar līdzfinansējumu ES programmā Erasmus+
Mainīt valodu:
Co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union