The Mobiliser

Who will be the people that make you join the group of cleaners? Is there a person that inspires you to join? Or are you the person that is mobilising others to join the World Clean Up day? The holder of this badge inspired others that participated the clean up, or made that people will join a next year... Mobilising Others is a skill that belongs to the Entrepreneurial Skills-set.
Tarea no.1
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You have inspired others during the World Clean Up Day in Curacao, please share how you have done this. With adding this information to your badge, you will give your badge more value.
The evidence will be assessed via self-aproval.
Badgecraft alberga esta plataforma y la desarrolla junto con organizaciones líderes educativas. El consorcio Europeo desarrolla esta plataforma con la cofinanciación del programa Erasmus+ de la Unión Europea.
Cofinanciado por el programa Erasmus+ de la Unión Europea
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