New careers maker

Badge earners visited Antakalnis open youth centre "Zalianamis" to learn about innovative career guidance and education approach.

The partners in 3 Cities of Learning – Vilnius, Minsk and Riga – created an innovative and comprehensive methodology for career guidance in diverse youth work settings. Five partners contributed to this resource: Žalianamis (LT) – the lead partner, IT for Everybody (BY), Young Folks (LV), Madrus (LT), Badgecraft Ireland (IE).

During the visit, participants had opportunities:
  • to learn about Antakalnis open youth centre's "Zalianamis" activities;
  • to get familiar with youth career guidance and education programmes;
  • to exchange various youth career guidance and education practices in Cities of Learning.

Additionally, participants got familiar with "Antakalnis stories" - an initiative to discover the local area, history, and stories.

This activity is a part of a Cities of Learning study visit organised from 16 to 21 May 2022 in Vilnius, Lithuania. The study visit is realised within the Erasmus+ co-funded strategic partnership "Online 21st century skills education".
Task n.1
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Participate in a visit. You can upload photos from the event. Share your reflections on the following questions:
  1. What did you take from this visit?
  2. What skills do young people need to make succesfull careers in the 21st-century?
  3. How can you support young people in making their career pathways?


#fornire orientamento professionale
#fornire consulenza sulla carriera
Badgecraft gestisce questa piattaforma web e continua a svilupparla in partnership con organizzazioni leader nel settore dell'educazione. La prima versione di questa piattaforma è stata realizzata grazie ai cofinanziamenti del programma Erasmus+ dell'Unione Europea. Contattaci all'email
Co-finanziato dal programma Erasmus+ dell'Unione Europea
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