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Creativity at every turn

Creativity at every turn

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According to the Cambridge English Dictionary, "creativity" means the ability to produce or use original and unusual ideas. You can find this concept in psychology, medicine, construction etc. To add to it, Creativity is an ability that helps us process the wealth of information that our minds collect and forge connections between different pieces of information in order to find a solution to a problem in a new way, or to come to a new understanding of the problem itself.
Creativity has as many different manifestations as it does definitions by which people understand it. Among the many things creativity can be, here are a few:
→ Creativity is when you walk down the street and an idea strikes that changes your perception of a problem
→ Creativity is a state of mind in which our brains create connections between previously unlinked pieces of information and knowledge
→ Creativity is a scientist, exploring every possible angle and perspective of their research question in order to see it a new way
→ Creativity is an attitude of empowerment that focuses on our individual and collective potential to reshape our environment and our world
→ Creativity is exploration, and as such it manifests itself in art
→ Creativity is inherent in every human being: it can be developed as a skill, but it is nonetheless a natural ability of our minds
→ Creativity creates and strengthens connections between people and within society; creativity helps the individual connect to the world

This workshop will help you explore your own creativity and get more aware of it. Afterwards, you can use your new-gained skills wherever you need it.
Для получения бейджа необходимо завершить 1 задание
Задание номер 1
Доказательства проверены: подтверждено самостоятельно

You are searching for a creative idea, but nothing comes to mind; you are missing the context, inspiration, or point of reference. Brainstorming does not help, no fresh ideas come to your mind. The SCAMPER method, an
approach created by Alex Osborn/Bob Eberle 11, provides a more specific framework.
Instead of trying to develop completely new ideas for improving your project or product, start first by modifying and transforming existing ones.
Task: Think of one situation in your life that you would like to change, using your own creativity. (You will apply the same situation for the next tasks). The evidence is up to you...be creative!
(Sustitute) Remove one aspect of the current situation, thing, or concept and replace it with something else.
→ What elements does your learning event currently include?
→ Which of them can be replaced?
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Задание номер 2
Доказательства проверены: подтверждено самостоятельно
Task: (Combine) Idea: Join, affiliate, or force together two or more elements of your subject matter.
→ Which elements can be combined and which have to stay unchanged?
→ What other ideas can be affiliated with your primary learning event?
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Задание номер 3
Доказательства проверены: подтверждено самостоятельно
Task: (Adapt) Copy an existing solution and apply it to your problem.
→ Does my event share common elements with something else?
→ Are there other fields, spheres, or educational practices that inspire me?
→ What previous solutions or situations are applicable to my current learning event?
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Задание номер 4
Доказательства проверены: подтверждено самостоятельно
Task: (Modify) Change a particular element's size, shape, other dimensions,
texture, color, attitude, position, history.
→ What happens if I make my learning event bigger or smaller?
→ Can I speed up or slow down the process of my learning event?
→ What if I change the frequency?
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Задание номер 5
Доказательства проверены: подтверждено самостоятельно
Task: (Change the Purpose or find Another Use)
Modify the intention of the subject. Think about why it exists, what it is used for and what it’s supposed to do. Challenge your assumptions and think of new and unusual purposes.
→ How could similar learning events be used by completely different people?
→ Who else could use my service that I have not thought of before?
→ What if I completely change the target market?
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Задание номер 6
Доказательства проверены: подтверждено самостоятельно
Task: (Eliminate)
Idea: Arbitrarily remove any or all elements of your subject, simplify, reduce to core functionality.
→ What can be removed?
→ What is not needed for the stated goal or intended impact?
→ What do others find superfluous?
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Задание номер 7
Доказательства проверены: подтверждено самостоятельно
Task: (Reverse or Rearrange)
Turn it upside-down, inside-out, or make it go backwards,
against the direction it was intended to go or be used. Alternatively,
modify the order of operations.
→ How can I rearrange the elements of the learning event?
→ What about starting from the end?
→ What habits and patterns can I change?
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Задание номер 8
Доказательства проверены: од_на организатор_ка мероприятия
Before beginning this last task, imagine how you could complete it with joy and energy. Envision the future moment in which you have completed this task – how good and capable you’ll feel, and how proud you’ll be of yourself.
→ What exactly will you see?
→ What will you hear?
→ How will you feel?
→ What will you say to yourself ?
→ What will others say to you?
Perhaps you can find a certain image – real or imagined – or a song that connects with your feeling. If you fall into a slump imagine it, look at it, listen to it – and thus simply imagine a good feeling.
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Creativity at every turn
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