Não está na organização


Tecnologia e computadores
#skaitmeninės technologijos, #organizar ações de formação, #organizar reuniões
Designing educational programmes
#Is comfortable with exploring and experimenting digital technologies and tools, #Choose and designing appropriate methods for collecting, interpreting and disseminating information (data, resources, findings, etc.), #Refers to various ways of collecting information, #Identifies and prevents risks connected to collecting and sharing data , #Identifies the information relevant to an issue or a question, #Knows about power structures behind digital technologies and connected issues as datification, etc
Facilitating learning
#Ability to listen actively, #Ability to be empathetic, #Ability to clearly express thoughts and emotions, #Readiness to include a space for emotions in all situations, including online environments, #Skill of initiating and supporting self-reflection on learning, #Ability to guide others to channel feelings into action, including in online environments, where appropriate
Participação cívica
#Appreciation of the added value of new partnership and collaboration opportunities, #Knowledge of advocacy approaches and methods in a youth work context, #Knowledge about digital tools for networking and collaboration, and more inclusive approaches
Designing programmes
#Applying non-formal learning principles in programme design with emphasis on youth-centeredness, transparency, democratic values, participation, empowerment, and social transformation, #Knowledge of the values and key principles of non-formal learning, #Willingness to research and stay up-to-date with the newest developments in non-formal learning-related practices
International e Intercultural
#programme management, #distribute activities, #planning
Tecnologia e computadores
#e-learning, #tecnologias de aprendizagem, #sistemas de gestão da aprendizagem, #planear programas juvenis, #prestar informações sobre o bem-estar dos jovens
Learning to learn
#Is comfortable with exploring and experimenting digital technologies and tools, #Refers to various assessment and self-assessment principles and methods, #Applies appropriate methods and digital tools for assessment and self-assessment of their own learning achievements
Desenvolvimento pessoal
#Coping with uncertainty, ambiguity and risk, #Dares to face and deal adequately with ambiguity with regard to the group’s and individuals’ realities, #Reflecting acceptance of ambiguity and change, #Refers to theories, concepts and experiences that relate to ambiguity and change in the activity and when designing the educational approach
Facilitating learning processes
#Selecting, adapting or creating appropriate methods, #Identifies analog and/or digital methods and their sources, suitable for different environments and situations, #Explains the methodologies used in youth training when choosing, adapting and creating methods, #Applies methodologies used in youth training when choosing or adapting methods, #Creates and adjusts methods according to different environments and situations
Designing educational programmes
#Designing educational programmes, #Selecting, adapting or creating appropriate methods, #Uses digital technologies to create / foster participation, #Refers to relevant digital technologies, tools and related uses in non-formal learning settings
Facilitating learning
#Readiness to upskill and stay up-to-date with existing methods and related sources and tools, #Openness to using different ways and methods to encourage creativity, problem solving and ‘out-of-the-box’ thinking, #Knowledge on how to look for information about methods and methodology and how to share the resources adequately, #Knowledge of the principles of methodologies used in the field of youth, #Skill of choosing appropriate methods and assessing young people’s learning needs and objectives, #Aiming at reaching educational aims by using specific ways and methods that encourage creativity, problem solving, ‘out-of-the-box’ thinking, in different environmental aspects
A Badgecraft é a anfitriã desta plataforma e desenvolve-a em conjunto com as principais organizações educativas. O programa Erasmus+ da União Europeia concedeu um cofinanciamento para a construção da primeira versão desta plataforma. Contacto:
Cofinanciado pelo programa Erasmus+ da União Europeia
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