Participants of this international training course are requested to prepare by doing some research into the NLP that we will use as a model for our learning about Mental Health Promotion. They do this through the Learning Activities:
What is NLP
History of NLP
NLP and System Theory
The First Part of the Mobility
For the first 6 days of the Mobility, participants will experience youth work activities and reflect on their learning from that day using the following Learning Activities:
Change the world, Change your mind
Step by Step to great Rapport
Sensory Acquity, Mind-reading for beginners
Building the Picture, Setting the Outcomes
Tools and techniques - 1
Tools and techniques - 2
The Second Part of the Mobility
Participants will transfer their learning into (digital) learning activities for the people they work with and participate in a youth work market with local youth work organisations.
LifeComp competence framework
To support recognition of non-formal learning and to support the development of the “Personal, Social and Learning to Learn” skills within youth work we make in this training an connection between the learning happening during the training and the LifeComp Competence Framework.
Spcifically will be worked on the following skill zones: flexibility, growth mindset, critical thinking, collaboration, self-regulation, communication, empathy, well-being and managing learning.
Open Badges
In each Learning Activity and for the total Learning Playlist participants can earn Open Badges. Sometimes the badges will be issued via checking evidence by accredited NLP practisioners, other times via international trainers and also via self-assessment by the earners itself.
This project is co-funded by ErasmusPlus
Attività da completare
Completa le attività seguenti e ottieni i badge per vedere lo stato di completamento della playlist aggiornato
#sviluppare le strategie di cooperazione internazionale
#eseguire i massaggi
#comunicare in materia di benessere dei giovani
#talk with the selected community
#lavorare in collaborazione con i fruitori dei servizi sociali
#relaxation methods
#cercare innovazioni per le pratiche in uso
#check story
#promuovere la salute mentale
#Managing learning
Attività: 17
Iniziato: 55
Playlist completata: 12
Tempo di completamento: 16 giorni 9 ore 15 minuti
Network of Cities and Regions of Learning
Badgecraft gestisce questa piattaforma web e continua a svilupparla in partnership con organizzazioni leader nel settore dell'educazione. La prima versione di questa piattaforma è stata realizzata grazie ai cofinanziamenti del programma Erasmus+ dell'Unione Europea. Contattaci all'email
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