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🛠️ Activity 5: Leading by Example – Taking Action for Inclusion

Action For Inclusion

🏅 Badge Description for Activity 5: Leading by Example – Taking Action for Inclusion

This badge is awarded to individuals who have taken active steps to support diversity and inclusion in their communities. Badge earners have engaged in volunteering, built networks to uplift marginalized voices, and shared their experiences to inspire others in fostering a more inclusive society.
Bevis bekreftet av: ett aktivitetsmedlem
To earn this badge, recipients have:
✔ Participated in a volunteering project that directly supports diversity, equity, and inclusion.
✔ Joined or created a support network to empower marginalized communities and promote inclusive initiatives.
✔ Shared their learning and experiences through storytelling, videos, or written reflections to encourage others to take action.

This badge recognizes the earner’s dedication to creating real impact, their leadership in fostering inclusivity, and their commitment to amplifying voices that are often unheard.

Provide your evidence with a photo, a text or even a link.
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🛠️ Activity 5: Leading by Example – Taking Action for Inclusion
Inclusive Societies – Building a World for Everyone
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