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Gender Equality Through Art and Creativity

Gender Equality Through Art and Creativity

Informații despre insignăValidări
This badge is awarded for completing the “Gender Equality Through Art and Creativity” activity. You’ve explored gender equality through creative expression, first by engaging with the work of others and then by creating and sharing your own art. You’ve used your creative talents to raise awareness and inspire others to reflect on and support gender equality.
Skills and experiences gained (aligned with the Gender Analysis Competency Framework by Institute for Gender and the Economy):
Creative expression for advocacy: You’ve used your artistic talents to communicate important messages about gender equality and challenge societal stereotypes (Advocacy and Change-Making: Creative Tools for Change).
Critical engagement with gender issues: You’ve critically reflected on how gender is portrayed in art and how creative expression can be a powerful tool for advocacy (5 W’s: What and Why).
Digital engagement: You’ve shared your art on social media and engaged others in conversations about gender equality, fostering online discussions and raising awareness (Advocacy and Change-Making: Digital Platforms for Engagement).
This badge demonstrates the earner’s ability to use creative expression for advocacy, raising awareness of gender equality and inspiring others through artistic and digital platforms, contributing to the European Youth Goal #2: Equality of All Genders. Cities of Learning Network partners value the badge earner’s efforts and contributions and issue this badge after reviewing the provided evidence.
Task no.1
Evidence verified by: un membru al activității
Participate in an art showcase:
Task: Attend or participate in an art exhibition (in person or online) that focuses on gender or social equality. Reflect on how the art inspired your understanding of gender equality.
Evidence: Submit images from the art showcase with a short explanation on how it influenced your thoughts on gender equality.

Create gender equality-themed art:
Task: Create a piece of original artwork (e.g., painting, poem, song, photography) that represents your views on gender equality.
Evidence: Submit your artwork along with a brief explanation of its message about gender equality.

Share art on social media:
Task: Share your artwork or artwork of someone else you follow on social media to start a conversation about gender equality, encouraging others to contribute their own reflections.
Evidence: Submit a screenshot or link to your social media post, including any interactions or comments that reflect on the message of your art.
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Gender Equality Through Art and Creativity
Equality for All: Gender Equality in Action
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